Deff OPERA Open Research Analytics Fri, 15 Mar 2019 08:51:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Deff OPERA 32 32 News from the workpagages – March 2019 Fri, 15 Mar 2019 08:51:47 +0000 Read More ...]]> WP5 – Open Science Support
All participants Birger Larsen (AAU), David Budtz Pedersen (AAU), Morgens Sandfær (DTU), Karen Hytteballe Ibanez (DTU), Martin Collin (DTU) and Pelle A. Israelsson (AAU) were gathered at AAU-CPH. A quick status on the deliverables was given, and it was discussed how deliverable P could best be realised – e.g. by studying the reactions of various stakeholders (researchers, heads of department, deans of research) to the joint VIVO platform using eyetracking and sensor technology.
For the OPERA workshop on March 28 the following experts have been invited: Merle Jakob (Lund university) to talk about the recommendations of an EU expert group on Open Science metrics, Christian Herzog (Digital Science) on how to incorporate Open Science in the Dimensions platform, and Ivo Grigorov (DTU) on how Open Science efforts could best be measured.

News from the workpackages – December 2018 Mon, 10 Dec 2018 09:40:49 +0000 Read More ...]]> WP1

During the fall months, WP1 participants have carried out two tests ofDigital Science’s research information system Dimensions. The first test was aninitial, unstructured test of data and functionality. The feedback from thefirst test was used to construct the second test, which focused on coveragei.e. how well the universities are represented in Dimensions in terms ofpublications, citations, affiliation information etc. Specifically, WP1participants used a test template to compare data from Dimensions with theirusual data source(s) e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Pure. Data was analyzed foreach of the analytical views in Dimensions including fields of research, sourcetitles and funders.

Stay tuned for information on the outcome of the test of Dimensions.


WP2 Lead Prof. David Budtz Pedersen was plenary speaker and rapporteur at the EU Presidency Conference in Vienna on the Impact of Social Sciences & Humanities November 28-29. The high-levelconference has already left a mark on the negotiations of FP9 Horizon Europe. In the “general partial agreement” reached by the EU Council on Friday, there is a stronger commitment to “integrate” SSH compared to H2020 legislation. In the current text of Horizon Europe, it is underlined that “…the social sciences and humanities (SSH) shall play an important role acrossall clusters”. 

News from the ERA Portal.


WP3 is still at its experimental stage – seeking inspiration on different types of network analytics and/or other types of visualizations that could compliment traditional research analytics. To kick-start this process PedroParraguez, one of the OPERA project partners, was invited to create a workshop, which purpose was to build a common co-creation framework that facilitates the collaborative work within the OPERA project, especially in what regards the creation of data-driven indicators and visualizations. The workshop called OPERA WP3Workshop: Creation of data-driven indicators and visualizations was meant to be only the start of a process that should evolve over time, helping to collect design ideas, assumptions, findings and requirements. 

The workshop was organized within a co-creation framework and structured into six building blocks:

  1. The project’s guiding challenge
  2. The key questions that we want to answer with this project
  3. The indicators that will help us find a data-driven answer to the posed questions
  4. The data visualization solutions that will help us communicate the indicators to change-agents / decision-makers / stakeholders
  5. The analytics and data infrastructure necessary to produce and deploy the indicators and visualizations
  6. The data that we will use to feed our indicators and visualizations

A more detailed overview of the framework used can be found in a blog post by Pedro Parraguez available at:

News from Work Packages 2 and 5 – October 2018 Mon, 29 Oct 2018 07:16:29 +0000 Read More ...]]> WP 2 – Also Humanities

WP2 had their first meeting in start September where the different partners gathered at AAU to discuss the development and implementation of a participatory taxonomy for mapping SSH research.The WP2 are working with the documentation of humanities collaborations and impacts, and analysing SSH scholarships. Working with experimental methods for understanding how the metrics for publications, citations, co-authorship and co-production are representing impact. The first milestone objective of WP2 is are a mapping of the impact that humanities research creates when published in academic journals. Understanding how quantitative indicators can be used in visualising research impact using different platforms and tooles such as Dimensions, Plumx, Researchfish etc.

WP 5 – Open Science Support

The WP5 kick-of meeting was held at AAU Copenhagen on the 10th of September with the partners and was focusing on Open Sciences and Open Access. And how these new initiatives can help us understand how research practices are changing.  WP5 have a series of overlapping issues with the other Work Packages in the DEFF OPERA project, making the WP5 a complex exercise to navigate. The first product of WP5 is a literature review on how different institutions, manifestos and policy papers are conforming to the Open Sciences and Open Access carters.

News from the Work Packages – October 2018 Thu, 11 Oct 2018 09:34:33 +0000 Read More ...]]> WP 3 – Network analytics and visualization

WP3 had a successful start-up meeting in the beginning of September. Prospectively WP3 is making a distinction between visualizations and network analysis; the visualization part of the WP will focus on the development of visualizations to integrate in the OPERA VIVO platforms; whereas the network analysis part of the WP is more complex and will be a skill developing part of the OPERA project. In the coming quarter, we are looking forward to work on identifying possible visualizations to complement data, in close collaboration with WP1, for the VIVO platforms. Additionally all of the WP3 participants will participate in a network analysis masterclass in end-October organized in collaboration by DEFF and our international project partners from CWTS. The masterclass centers around lessons learned- and cases made in the AIDA-project – a TU Delft based project that aims at providing easy-to-use tools for visualization and analysis of research areas and research trends. Read more at

OPERA Workshop March 28 2019 Thu, 13 Sep 2018 07:09:00 +0000 Read More ...]]> The OPERA project will hold a workshop on 28 March 2019 at Technical University of Denmark in Lyngby, Denmark.

We are proud to announce, that Christian Herzog, CEO of Digital Science Discovery & Analytics and one of the people who came up with the idea to build Dimensions, will give a keynote about research analytics in an open science perspective.

There are four areas of work in the project, and these are also on the agenda of the workshop:

  • Analytics data & systems
  • Documentation and analysis of humanities and social sciences scholarship
  • Network analysis and visualization
  • Open Science support

Please tick the calendar on March 28, 2019.

Detailed program and registration information is provided later.

News from the Work Packages – September 2018 Tue, 04 Sep 2018 06:55:23 +0000 Read More ...]]> WP2 and WP5 will have their kick off meetings in September

OPERA’s WP1 Analytics data & systems held its first meeting right before the summer holiday. The goals and deliverables for WP1 were reviewed, and a detailed development plan for the VIVO platforms to be built in WP1 was presented.

Three of the project members participated in the VIVO conference at Duke University in June, during which we also had productive meetings with Clarivate, Digital Science, Cornell, and TIB. The conference and meetings were a source of inspiration, and we came back with ideas and advice that we can build on in OPERA.

WP1 has a number of exciting tasks coming up in the second half of 2018, but most imminent is the study of Dimensions data. We will start by exploring data on publications, citations, patents, open access, funding. etc. for each of the three universities participating in OPERA i.e. AAU, DTU, and KU.

In OPERA’s WP3 – Network analytics and visualization we are looking forward to our start up meeting in the beginning of September. Here we will start the process of creating a visualization catalogue that will form basis for WP3’s work of exploring and evaluating relevant network and visualization tools. During the following months we will be seeking out inspiration, both from the other OPERA WPs and relevant conferences for example the DEFF sponsored 1-day-conference Visuals and Analytics that Matter – a conference that we encourage everyone interested in OPERA’s WP3 to join!

Deff OPERA in AAU Inside Thu, 26 Apr 2018 11:23:21 +0000 OPERA in the the Aalborg University News:

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Deff OPERA on Twitter Tue, 20 Mar 2018 10:18:43 +0000 The Deff OPERA Twitter account is now flying:  @DeffOPERA
